About Us

We want to offer your pets compassionate and nurturing care by providing services that are safe and to give our human clients peace of mind.

About Pet Lodge

Who is the driving force behind Pet Lodge?

Maree as a child was always training all the family pets to do tricks, follow her around, jump over go under or through things. Anything was possible, the animals cats, dog’s goats, cows, chickens and whatever else wanted to get in on the fun. Maree started her working life farming. One of her first jobs after that was a vet nurse, not able to handle people putting their pets to sleep because they said they were “bad” She thought there must be a better way. Maree ran a boarding kennel for about 5 years and watching the behaviour of the dogs became a passion. Working with many dogs and their humans was enormously rewarding. It was time to leave the boarding kennels and do what her true passion was. She trained with several dog trainers in New Zealand and overseas. Most of the trainers had different ways to train and anything that would harm the dog was instantly dismissed as nothing learns well when in pain and that just didn’t sit right. She has done several dog training courses and is always looking at what is happening in the world of dog training. Maree found what has worked with her beliefs and caring nature. Treat training didn’t make sense as she had never used it as a child and those animals would do anything for her, also pets don’t give each other treats to explain things or train. It is all about going back to nature, understanding your dog, using love and praise.

Over the past 27 years of training some things have changed and she is always open to learning new things, however the core of the respect training has stayed the same. Dog training is more than a job it is a passion and as Maree explains it is who she is.
So having the Pet Lodge is just another way she can spend time with many different personalities, always learning

Warm caring environment
Passionate staff
Fun camp for your dogs
Caring warm space for cats
0 +
Years Experience


No the training is separate. If you would like your dog trained or you would like to get training please make an appointment doglogictalk@gmail.com
We feed Black hawk and Ultra at the Pet Lodge so if your dog is on something different or special you might want to bring their food. No we do not charge extra for feeding your food or medications.
No, I will not have them on the property.
No, each dog or family of dogs have their own room.
Not if they are a separate cat, we also have a communal area that is ideal for some cats.
Yes so you can rest assured that your pets are watched over even in the evenings.
If it is not a public holiday normally you can book and drop off the same day. During Christmas/New Years, Easter and other weekends we can book up months in advance.
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